
Revenge of Michael Schiavo

My heart overflows at the news that Michael Schiavo has formed a PAC and is traveling the country on a speaking tour to get back at the politicians who rallied behind his inlaws in the fight over whether Terri Schiavo's feeding tube could be removed. Here's a guy who was publicly accused, backed by absolutely no evidence, of strangling his wife; who was called an adulterer for dating a woman three years after his wife collapsed into a vegetative state; and who was publicly accused of attempting to murder his wife by removing his feeding tube so he could continue with his "adulterous" affair. When the courts finally ruled in his favor, the feeding tube was removed, and an autopsy confirmed that Terri had indeed been in a vegetative state with no hope of recovery, did Terri's self-appointed "advocates" let up? No - the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, ordered the state attorney general to investigate whether Michael Schiavo should be brought up on murder charges (an investigation that concluded that there would be no basis for such a charge)! While politicians from around the country, from the vile (Randall Terry) to the deluded (Joe Lieberman) to the once-respectable (Jesse Jackson) flocked to the side of Terri's parents, not a single one had the how-da-ya-calls to support Michael. He had every ounce of my sympathy through this ordeal. I'm glad he's getting some payback (as the story reports, he went to Connecticut to speak in support of Ned Lamont, reminding voters of Lieberman's role in this affair), even though his $26,000 war chest is dwarfed by the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation Center for Health Care Ethics, "a nonprofit group whose stated goal is to protect 'the rights of disabled, elderly and vulnerable citizens against care rationing, euthanasia and medical killing,'" which raised $380,000 last year.


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