
Book Series

Any number of publishers have published series of books over the last couple of decades of interest to heterodox economists. Some are, I think, targeted for reference libraries - who else can afford them1? Some collect papers for specific themes or schools of thought. And various publishers specialize in such.

But here I want to focus on the Modern Cambridge Economics Series. These books seem to be targeted for the more introductory student. They consist of, as far as I can tell:
  • A. Asimakopulos (1991) Keynes's General Theory and Accumulation2
  • Amiya Kumar Bagchi (1982) The Political Economy of Underdevelopment
  • John Cornwall and Wendy Cornwall (2007) Capitalist Development in the Twentieth Century
  • Phyllis Deane(1978) The Evolution of Economic Ideas2
  • Michael Ellman (1989) Socialist Planning
  • Eprime Eshag (1984) Fiscal and Monetary Policies and Problems in Developing Countries
  • Frederick S. Lee (2006) Post Keynesian Price Theory
  • Joan Robinson (1979) Aspects of Development and Underdevelopment
  • Colin Rogers (1989) Money, Interest and Capital: A Study in the Foundations of Monetary Theory2
Phyllis Deane and Joan Robinson were the original editors. Phyllis Deane, Geoffrey Harcourt, and Jan Kregel were the editors after a later relaunch.

1Edward Elgar has a series on Schools of Thought in Economics, another series called The Elgar Companion to ..., and The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics. Palgrave Macmillan had themed extracts from the New Palgrave (with some original entries) and is currently publishing their Great Thinkers in Economics series. (This last series is more introductory and affordable by some students.) Routledge has their multi-volume Critical Assessments of Leading Economists collections and, for the Austrian school, the Foundations of the Market Economy Series. Back in the 1970s, Penguin had the Penguin Modern Economic Readings collections. (Links are to information about random books in a series.)

2 I have read and enjoyed these.


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