
A New Website On The Investment Banking Field

A while back I came across a pretty good website for those of you who are looking to break into the Investment Banking field - Mergers and Inquisitions. Here's their "about" section:
Mergers & Inquisitions was launched after the author realized the web lacked good, free resources on investment banking, finance jobs and career advice in general for college students and recent graduates.

Most existing guides such as the Vault Guide To Finance Interviews or the Wet Feet guide are dry and don’t have much in the way of frank, practical advice with concrete examples. They’re also so boring that you may want to poke out your eyes after reading them (just kidding :). There are some high-quality finance-related sites and blogs out there, like Leveraged Sellout, Wall Street Oasis, and several others, but these have a different focus from what we’re doing here.

Since the author would like to keep his job (at least for now), he will have to remain anonymous. Feel free to email him. For resume review services, please refer to the resume review page.

The author seems to have just the right mix of helpful information and humor that should make it a hit. In addition, he's been doing it since November, 2007, so it looks like he might be around for a while.

I've added it to the sidebar, and also to my list of regular reads. Enjoy.


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