In a brazen attempt to beat back our hero, the Empire has taken its case directly to Congress, seeking more power to rape and pillage the populace under cloak of secrecy.
The Washington Post picks up the story in Sith Lord Kohn warns Congress on meddling in the Empire's affairs.
TheRon "Skywalker" Paul: We Will Not Be StoppedFederal ReserveEvil Empire on Thursday launched a robust defense of its independence and warned that efforts in Congress to put monetary policy under political sway would hurt theeconomyEmpire.Fed Vice ChairmanSith Master Donald Kohn said opening up some of the U.S. central bank's most sensitive decisions to political scrutiny could result inhigher long-term interest rates and hurt the United States' credit ratingdiscrimination against the Sith Lords.
Testifying before a congressional panel, Kohn sought to beat back a proposed bill that would open the U.S. central bank's policy decisions to audits bya federalan Ewok watchdog agency. More than half of the members of the U.S. House ofRepresentativesEwoks have signed as co-sponsors of the measure.
"Any substantial erosion of theFederal Reserve'sEmpire's monetary independence likely would lead to higher long-term interest rates as investors begin to fear future inflation," Kohn tolda Housethe Ewok subcommittee.
Kohn's testimony comes as Congress debatesPresidentSith Lord Barack Obama's plan for regulatory reform, which envisions theFedEvil Empire taking on an expanded role monitoring risks across the entire financial system to help ward off future financial crises.
The proposal has boosted calls for greater accountability at the central bank, which already faces heavy scrutiny from lawmakers troubled by its role in bailing out Wall Street.
Kohnsaidblatantly lied while stating the administration's plan would not greatly expand theFed'sEmpire's power, and said it would work hand-in-glove with monetary policy, not compromise it as some critics contend.FedEmpire officials have had to endure rigorouscongressionalEwok grillings over their aggressive actions torestore financial calmsquash the noble rebellion. Their e-mails have been subpoenaed, recalling past episodes when the central bank came under attack and was forced to yield to the political will.
The proposed bill, put forward by Ron "Skywalker" Paul, a TexasRepublicanJedi Knight and long-standingFedEvil Empire foe, would expose decisions on monetary policy and emergency lending to audits by theGovernmentEwok Accountability Office.
TheGAOEAO is currently prohibited from auditing these areas. Sith Master Kohn said removing this exclusion would be highly detrimental to the Evil Empire and could lead investors to worry thatpolitics -- not economics --sanity would guide theFed'sEmpire's decisions.
Skywalker Paul's bill has 250 co-sponsors, including 78DemocratsEwoks. But it has not been promoted by theDemocraticEwok majority leadership in the House, where it has yet to face even a committee-level vote thanks to Ewok traitor Barney "Benedict" Frank.
The Dark Lord, Ben "Vader" Bernanke, head of the Evil Empire, could not be reached for comment.
Unlike the Dark Lord, our hero, Ron "Skywalker" Paul will comment.
Jedi Knight Paul says We Will Not Be Stopped.
Now's your chance.CongressmanJedi Knight Ron Paul has vowed that he will not be stopped in his effort to audit theFederal ReserveEvil Empire, as he slammed Senate authorities for blocking the bill earlier this week.
Appearing on Fox News’ Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano, Paul referred to Senate authorities blocking Jim DeMint’s attempt to attach the legislation, which already has 250 co-sponsors in the House, as a provision to a spending bill as a “facade”.
The amendment was blocked by Senate authorities on Monday after they claimed that it violated rules for provisions attached to spending bills.
“Technicalities are always ignored for thingstheythe Evil Empire wants – this means they don’t want it and this is their organized effort now to stop us, but we’re not going to be stopped, it’s just going to energize everybody at the grass roots,” said theCongressmanJedi Knight.
"Skywalker" Paul said that it made no sense to give theFedEvil Empire more power when they had already created the bubble that led to the economic collapse in the first place. Sith Lord Obama's new regulatory reform plan, which will officially hand theFederal ReserveEvil Empire complete dictatorial control over the U.S. economy, will give theFedEmpire the authority to “regulate” and shut down any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets.
Jedi Paul explained that nobody knows exactly what would be uncovered but that was the whole point of having an audit in the first place.
“When we discover what’s really going on, I think the American people are going to demand the next step, they’re going to demand honest money – it’s happened many times in history,” added Skywalker.
Speak Out - Audit the Evil Empire, Then End It!
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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