
Better Russert riff

Here's a better riff on the Russert-Pelosi exchange from "Bill in Portland Maine", on Daily Kos. See, I wasn't the only one who was irritated.

Timmah: Let's talk about Iraq. Are you going to raise my taxes?
Rep. Nancy Pelosi: Well, Tim, I...
Moving on to Social Security. Are you going to break into seniors' homes and steal their cookie jar money to pay for your massive tax increases, which the Republican leadership says could exceed two hundred goobleboopie percent?
I never said anything about increasing ta...
Turning now to gay marriage. How high do you intend to raise taxes on gay marriage?
Raise taxes on what??
RNC chairman Ken Mehlman recently sent out an email suggesting that if Democrats take back the House or Senate in November the first thing you'll do is bring back the poll tax. Will this be a variable tax or a flat tax?
We're not bringing back the poll t...
Senator John McCain says Democrats favor physically launching tax rates into space aboard an Atlas rocket. Do you think it's possible that anyone could be more maverickly manly than Senator McCain?
Tim, you're a loon.
Representative Pelosi, I've borrowed this Taser from the NBC security desk. I'm now going to zap you and continue zapping you until you agree to never ever raise taxes on millionaires like me from now until infinity even when we're at war.
While you're on the floor twitching, I'm going to pull out random press clippings, put them up on the screen, and read them in a droning voice. Hey...are you raising taxes on my leg hairs down there??


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