
Austrian Business Cycle Theory As Uninteresting And Esoteric

I have been unsuccessful in getting my refutation of Austrian Business Cycle Theory accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. My latest publically available version is downloadable from SSRN. I have had a later version rejected a couple of weeks ago. This version's references include Roger Garrison's 2006 "Reflections on Reswitching and Roundaboutness". I hope quoting an extract from a review is acceptable, since some might find this of interest:
"Hayek had washed his hands of the triangles [that ground his theory of the trade cycle] long before the ink was dry on his Pure Theory of Capital... Modern Austrian school economists like Roger Garrison still find the triangle-logic compelling, but I have the impression that, with the possible exception of Leland Yeager’s 1976 Economic Inquiry paper, no systematic attempt has been made to show that Austrian economics is immune to the capital critique; the arguments are intuitive rather than carefully drawn. (Even Yeager’s piece struck me when I read it, many years ago, as largely intuitive.) ...the arguments had never been put forward in a robust way..."


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